ΗΜΕΡΟΜΗΝΙΑ:   07/05/2020
ΩΡΑ:   15:00
ΤΙΤΛΟΣ:   Σειρά Δημόσιων Συζητήσεων για Σημαντικά Θέματα της Επικαιρότητας
ΔΙΟΡΓΑΝΩΤΕΣ:   Μεταπτυχιακό Πρόγραμμα στη Διοίκηση Επιχειρήσεων (ΜΒΑ) και Κέντρο Επιχειρηματικότητας (C4E)
ΕΙΣΗΓΗΤΕΣ:   Giorgos Zacharia Chιef Technology Officer-KAYAK, Boston, USA Philip Ammerman Investment Advisor-Navigator Consulting Group, Limassol, Cyprus Pantelis Angelides Director and Principal risk & resilience consultant-Quadprime Cyprus Ltd Wang Fei International Cooperation Director-TusStar Incubator, Beijing, China Online Panel Discussion
ΣΥΝΤΟΝΙΣΤΗΣ:   Καθηγητής Ηρακλής Βλαδιμήρου Καθηγητής Μάριος Δικαιάκος, Διευθυντής Κέντρου Επιχειρηματικότητας
ΘΕΜΑ:   Entrepreneurship beyond Covid-19: Lessons, Insights and Considerations from Boston, Beijing and Cyprus
ΑΙΘΟΥΣΑ:   Online Panel Discussion ROOM
ΤΗΛ. ΕΠΙΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΑΣ:   +357 22895110
ΑΛΛΕΣ ΠΛΗΡΟΦΟΡΙΕΣ:   The Covid-19 epidemic has brought an unprecedented upheaval to health systems, societies, and economies, disrupting the flow of people, goods, and capital, and raising existential threats to new and established companies. Public and private institutions around the world frantically seek ways to respond to the crisis, accelerating medical research and the translation of its findings into novel medications and treatment protocols, investigating the use of data to drive applicable policy-making decisions with a direct and far-reaching impact, and fast-tracking the uptake of digitalisation to cope with social distancing and to move processes and services from the physical to the virtual world. We bring together a panel of international and national experts, from the USA, China, Europe and Cyprus to discuss and give us their unique perspective on the crisis. The discussion will be live-streamed and the audience will be able to submit their own questions or contribute their own opinion on the topic via: C4E YouTube channel - https://bit.ly/3bQzR0t C4E facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/ucyc4e
ΙΣΤΟΣΕΛΙΔΑ:   The Covid-19 epidemic has brought an unprecedented upheaval to health systems, societies, and economies, disrupting the flow of people, goods, and capital, and raising existential threats to new and established companies. Public and private institutions around the world frantically seek ways to respond to the crisis, accelerating medical research and the translation of its findings into novel medications and treatment protocols, investigating the use of data to drive applicable policy-making decisions with a direct and far-reaching impact, and fast-tracking the uptake of digitalisation to cope with social distancing and to move processes and services from the physical to the virtual world. We bring together a panel of international and national experts, from the USA, China, Europe and Cyprus to discuss and give us their unique perspective on the crisis. The discussion will be live-streamed and the audience will be able to submit their own questions or contribute their own opinion on the topic via: C4E YouTube channel - https://bit.ly/3bQzR0t C4E facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/ucyc4e
ΕΝΗΜΕΡΩΤΙΚΟ ΦΥΛΛΑΔΙΟ:   F-1617293281/CovidPanel1-web2.JPG