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Course Details

Course Department: Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
Course Code: MME 512
Course Title: Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics
Number of ECTS: 8
Level of Course: 2nd Cycle (Master's Degree) 
Year of Study (if applicable):
Semester/Trimester when the Course Unit is Delivered: Fall Semester 
Name of Lecturer(s): STAVROS KASINOS 
Lectures/Week: 2 (1.5 hours per lecture) 
Laboratories/week: -- 
Tutorials/Week: -- 
Course Purpose and Objectives: The purpose of the course is the teaching of the basic principles of thermodynamics and training of the students to the solution of problems found in industry.  
Learning Outcomes: The students will be able to
• perform thermodynamic analysis for the optimization of complex engineering systems,
• design thermodynamic systems with the use of software and computers,
• prepare professional design analysis reports,
• understand the behavior and properties of non-reacting mixtures with emphasis on mixtures of ideal gases,
• perform psychrometric analysis of air-conditioning systems,
• understand the concepts of subsonic, sonic, supersonic and hypersonic flow and analyze simple compressible flow systems and
• compute the change in thermodynamic properties across normal shock waves.
Prerequisites: Not Applicable 
Co-requisites: Not Applicable 
Course Content: The course content involves thermodynamic analysis of engineering systems, emphasizing systematic methodology for application of basic principles and the utilization of modern computational tools and optimization software. Introduction to availability analysis. Thermodynamics of ideal gas mixtures including air and water-vapour mixtures. Thermodynamics of condensed phases, including solutions. Introduction to thermodynamics of compressible flow. Specialized topics depending on the composition of the audience (e.g. thermodynamics of biological systems). The course also involves a series of laboratory exercises.  
Teaching Methodology: Lectures 3 hours per week / Tutorials or lab exercise 1 hour per week
Lectures. The teaching methodology is based on the “deductive reasoning” method, which means that the theory and the applications of it are presented first in a general form and subsequently they are specialized for the particular problems.
There is continuous communication with the instructor and active participation of the students in the class.
During the first week of the semester the instructor hands in the Syllabus of the course to the students, which includes all information about the materials covered by the course, the learning outcomes, the evaluation and the office hours.
Bibliography: Lecture notes
W. C. Reynolds and P. Colonna Thermodynamics: fundamentals and engineering applications Cambridge University Press, 2018.
Assessment: Team design work 60%, written exam 30%, short assignments 10% 
Language of Instruction: Greek
or English.
Delivery Mode: Face-To-Face 
Work Placement(s): Not Applicable